Friday 26 February 2010

"Sympathy for the Devil..."

And BA staff...

The British Airways situation is starting to really worry me...

I understand the grievances of the staff that are involved in this on-going debate and legal actions as to whether or not it is legal to strike. But surely at some point they must look at what they are doing to the corporate image and faith that people once had in what was called "The worlds favourite airline," and the irreparable damage that is being caused...

Remembering that this once great bastion of the British corporate world posted huge losses last year that forced them to go looking for partnership and support, it has to be a question as to how long they can continue to operate in their current format. But the proposal of "strike" action added to the fact that many travel insurance companies openly stated that they would not pay out on the basis of a British Airways strike, and it doesn't take a brainiac to work out that people will start to book with other carriers instead...

Personally, I am all in favour of unions and the unity that they can bring amongst their members, but please guys, work this out before everything that you have becomes destroyed...


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