Thursday 17 February 2011

Pride: A regeneration factor.

Ok, so normally I dont use this blog for personal points of view, but for once I'm going to show where my research is leading me.

In this age where even David Cameron is going on (and on) about a "failed society," I am left to consider the failings of the British Domestic Tourism market. Surely, at a time where economics prevent many from their normal far-flung, sun drenched holiday, it would be a prime time for the traditional British seaside holiday to strive for regeneration as the vacation of choice for the mass domestic tourism market. But no, really, people would rather go without a holiday than be forced to go to the likes of Margate or Skegness for a week with the kids. So where is the real problem?

Like so many areas of this small island, the traditional seaside resorts of a bygone age are left without a sense of purpose, tradition or pride, and if they don't have it for themselves how can it be conceived that they might have the ability to promote these ideas for any potential customers. And, of equal importance, peoples from urban areas with similar issues cannot find any of these things in their own society to believe that they might find it somewhere else.

Britain is broken.

No community. No tradition. No pride.

The only way to fix this is to re-introduce pride at a community level. Regenerate, yes. But dont ignore the views of the man on the street. Brighton has pride and community (gay, but community), and on a sunny day you cant get on the beach it is so busy. Geordies (people from Newcastle) look at the "Angel of the North" with pride. So there is proof it can be done.

This economic situation is going to last a long time, so now is the time to re-invent community pride, to lift people, to regenerate, rebuild and renew.

Britain is broken. Lets fix it. Together.


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