Sunday 20 February 2011

Time. A Tourism Strategy...

With such wonderful "Tourism Offerings" coming up, such as the Olympics and the latest Royal Wedding, its good to see that the Department of Culture, Media and Sport is not sitting on its laurels with its latest "Brain Busting" strategy...

Change the time...

No, really, that is it. The answer to all of the UK's economic problems. The answer of how to make more people visit Britain...

BBC news report today that "Longer evenings could move a step closer with a government plan to move UK clocks forward an extra hour...

A "tourism strategy" will include a plan to move the clocks in line with most of Europe, bringing lighter evenings but darker mornings...

Tourism chiefs and safety campaigners support the move, but there are fears in Scotland about road accidents...

Ministers want to be satisfied the country backs the plan, before giving the go-ahead, the government said...

Last year, Prime Minister David Cameron indicated he was willing to consider a switch...

"The argument will be won when people across the country feel comfortable with the change," he said in August...

"It's up to those who want to make the change to make the argument to try to convince people right across the country that it's a good thing...

"People who like taking part in sporting activity and would like longer days are already quite easy to sway. That's the key to winning this argument..."

The proposals will be published by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport in the coming week, the BBC has been told...

Tourism bosses say the number of overseas visitors would increase if summer evenings were lighter and they estimate the benefits to the economy could total billions of pounds...

But there have been fears expressed in Scotland that putting the clocks forward would increase road accidents in the darker mornings..."

Well thats all ok then, unless you live in Scotland of course...

For more on this please follow BBC News at


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